Урок 3. I'm here!
Anna is in her new apartment. She wants to cook dinner. She tries to call Marsha for help.
ANNA: I am in my new apartment! Great!
I live with Marsha. We’re roommates.
I want to cook dinner. Oh! Hmmm. Is there a supermarket near here?
Marsha knows. Marsha's work number is 555-8986.
MAN: Hello.
ANNA: Hello. Is this Marsha? It is Anna.
MAN: I am sorry. You have the wrong number.
ANNA: Oh. Is this 555-8986?
MAN: No. This is 555-8689.
ANNA: Oh. Excuse me!
MAN: Okay. 'Bye.
ANNA: One more time. 555-8986. Please be Marsha.
MARSHA: Hello. This is Marsha.
ANNA: Yes, Marsha. I want to cook dinner.
MARSHA: Excuse me? Anna? Is that you?
ANNA: Oh, yes. I am here!
MARSHA: Good. You are there.
ANNA: I want to find a supermarket.
MARSHA: Oh, okay. The supermarket is at 1500 Irving Street. It is near the apartment.
ANNA: Great! Goodbye!
MARSHA: Goodbye, Anna.
ANNA: There is a big supermarket on our street. And Marsha says I am a good cook! Until next time! Bye!
New Words
cook - v. to prepare (food) for eating especially by using heat (готовить пищу)
dinner - n. the main meal of the day (ужин)
excuse - v. to forgive someone for making a mistake or doing something wrong (извините)
find - v. to get or discover something or someone that you are looking for (узнать, найти)
here - adv. in this place or at this location (здесь)
live - v. to have a home in a specified place (жить)
near - adv. close to something or someone (рядом)
sorry - adj. feeling sorrow or regret (сожалеть о чем-либо)
supermarket - n. a store where customers can buy a variety of foods and household items (магазин, в котором посетители могут купить различные продукты или домашнюю утварь)
there - adv. in that place or at that location (вспомогательное слово, указывающее на место расположения are you there? - это ты там?)
want - v. to desire or wish for something (хотеть)
wrong - adj. not suitable or appropriate for a particular purpose, situation, or person (неправильно, нехорошо).
One more time - еще раз.
Грамматика третьего урока: местоимения времени here there
В этом уроке мы продолжаем закреплять изменение глагола to be по лицам и встречаем конструкцию We are и ее сокращенную форму We're. Ее употребляет Анна, рассказывая, что она живет с Маршей, они соседи по квартире - We're roommate.
И, наконец, мы встречаем местоимения места - here и there. Дословно они переводятся - здесь и там. Но по смыслу, можно перевести просто как:
ANNA: Oh, yes. I am here! - Да, это я.
MARSHA: Good. You are there. - Хорошо, это ты.
До встречи на следующем уроке!