If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela

Anna: Hello, from Washington, D.C.! Today at work I am reading the news for the first time. I am really nervous. But my boss, Ms. Weaver, is here to help me.

Caty: Now, Anna, remember. When we read the news we are always reading facts. We never show our feelings.
Anna: Sure thing, Ms. Weaver.
Caty: Great. Are you ready?
Anna: Yes.
Caty: Okay, let’s try the first story!
Anna: Hello, and welcome to The News.
Anna: A new book is very popular with children and families. This is it.
Anna: It is about a lost duckling. The duck's mother cannot find him.
Caty: Stop! Anna, when you say the words “duck” and “duckling” you look really sad.
Anna: I do?
Caty: Yes. Sad is a feeling.
Anna: Sad is not a fact. Sorry. Let me try again.
Caty: Okay, she’s trying again! And go.
Anna: Hello, and welcome to The News. A new book is very popular with children and families. This is it.
Anna: It is about a lost duckling. The duck’s mother can not find ‘im. But a family gives him a home.
Caty: Stop! Anna, you are doing it again.
Anna: This story is very sad.
Caty: I have an idea. Let’s read the second story. She’s reading the second story. And … go!
Anna: Hello , and welcome to The News. In Indiana, a grandmother is the first 80-year-old woman to win The Race Car 500.
Anna: That is awesome!
Caty: Stop! Stop! Anna, please -- no feelings.
Anna: Right. But it is awesome that an 80-year-old grandmother wins a car race.
Caty: Just the facts, Anna.
Anna: Right.
Anna: Hello, and welcome to The News. In Indiana, a grandmother is the first 80-year-old woman to win The Race Car 500.
Anna: She rarely talks to reporters. But when she does, she often says, “Nothing can stop me now!”
Anna: I am very happy for her!
Caty: Stop, stop, stop!! Anna, you cannot say you are happy.
Anna: But I am happy.
Caty: But you can’t say it.
Anna: Why?
Caty: This is the News. Happy and sad are feelings. You can’t have them in The News.
Anna: Okay. I got it.
Caty: Okay. Let’s try the third story. She’s reading the third story!
Anna: Hello and welcome to The News.
City politicians in Big Town are using city money to have a big party on a cruise ship. They are taking the money for the party from the children’s library.
Anna: What?! That makes me very angry.
Caty: No, no, no! Anna, you cannot say you are angry! This is The News!!!
Anna: What can I do, Ms. Weaver? Take out my feelings and put them here … on the news desk?
Caty: Yes. Yes. That’s right! Now you’ve got it!
Caty: Let’s repeat the first story.
Anna: This is going to be a very long day.
Anna: Until next time!

New Words

angry – adj. having a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed (сердитый, разгневанный, раздраженный)
cruise ship – n. a large ship that stops at different ports and carries passengers who are traveling for pleasure (крузиный корабль)
desk – n. a piece of furniture that is like a table and often has drawers (стол с ящиками (в отличие от table - стола без ящиков)
duck – n. a bird that swims and has a flat beak, a short neck, a heavy body, short legs, and webbed feet (утка)
duckling – n. a young duck (утенок)
fact – n. a true piece of information (факт)
feeling – n. an emotional state or reaction (чувства)
get – v. to understand (something or someone) (понимать)
Indiana – n. state of the U.S. (Индиана - штат США)
long – adj. lasting or continuing for a great amount of time (длинный, растянутый по времени)
lost – adj. not knowing where you are or how to get to where you want to go (потерянный)
popular – adj. liked or enjoyed by many people (популярный)
race car – n. a very fast car that is used in professional auto racing (гоночная машина)
rarely – adv. not very often (редко)
repeat – v. to say (something) again (повторять)
sad – adj. not happy (грустный, несчастный)
story – n. a description of how something happened (история)
throw – v. to cause (something) to move out of your hand and through the air by quickly moving your arm forward (бросить что-либо)
win – v. to achieve victory in a fight, contest, game, etc. (победить)

Обратите внимание, как Ана употребляет глагол get - I got it в значении я поняла

Потренируем произношение новых слов: 

Тренируйте употребление новых слов, чтобы лучше их запомнить: 

 Грамматика урока: 

В этом уроке грамматику можно разделить на две части. 

Первая часть грамматики посвящена порядковым числительным. Ана читает новости: first, second, third stories. Порядковые числительные (Ordinal Numerals) обозначают порядковый номер того или иного предмета при счете и отвечают на вопрос which? (который?). Все порядковые числительные образуются от соответствующих количественных числительных путем прибавления суффикса «th». Исключение составляют первый, второй и третий - соответственно first, second, third. 

Таблица порядковых числительных:

Цифры, числаКоличественное числительноеПорядковое числительное
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
21 twenty-one twenty-first
22 twenty-two twenty-second
23 twenty-three twenty-third
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
25 twenty-five twenty-fifth
26 twenty-six twenty-sixth
27 twenty-seven twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth
30 thirty thirtieth
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
1000 one thousand thousandth
100 000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
1 000 000 one million millionth

Вторая часть грамматики относится к частоте производимых действий и наречий, выражающих эту частоту. 

Наречия (adverbs) частоты отвечают на вопрос how often (как часто). Ана читает новости и снова и снова (again and again) не может справиться с чувствами - она делает это всегда (always).

80-летняя американка, выигравшая гоночный автомобиль редко беседует с репортерами - She rarely talks to reporters.

Но когда она делает это, она часто повторяет - "Теперь ничто не может меня остановить!" - But when she does, she often says, “Nothing can stop me now!”

Таблица наречий, означающих частоту действий выглядит следующим образом:  

Adverbs of Frecuency

На сегодня всё! Хорошего всем дня и прекрасного настроения!