If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela

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Would you?

Здесь мы размещали уроки с youtube об употреблении конструкций used to,be used to, get used to. А сегодня BBC Learning English открывает секреты, как рассказать о своих привычках в прошлом без использования used to. Отличный урок, и мы не знали, что конструкцию would + infinitive можно так использовать. Берем на заметку и делимся с друзьями. 

Past habits without 'used to'

Is there another way of talking about past habits without using 'used to'? This is the question that Tim tackles in this video. In it he has to reveal some of the dark secrets of his past as well as some of his present habits, which can't all be recommended.

Use 'would + infintive without to' to talk about repeated past actions or habits:

When I was at school I would play tennis every weekend. - Когда я был школьником, я играл в теннис каждые выходные. 
I would often go to the cinema by myself when I first moved to London. - Я часто ходил в кино один, когда я только переехал в Лондон. 
My dad would always bring us back a present when he went on business trips. Из командировки мой отец всегда возвращался с подарками для нас. 

Так же вы можете просто использовать the simple past описывая эти действия: 

When I was at school I played tennis every weekend.
I often went to the cinema by myself when I first moved to London.
My dad always brought us back a present when he went on business trips.


Вы не можете использовать woud, если говорите о своем состоянии в прошлом, для этого использовать used to или простое прошедшее время. 

I would be fit when I was a teenager. WRONG
I used to be fit when I was a teenager. CORRECT
I was fit when I was a teenager. CORRECT
She would be in the football team at university. WRONG
She used to be in the football team at university. CORRECT
She was in the football team at university. CORRECT

Всем хорошего дня!

Posted by Учим английский Thursday, June 23, 2016 6:32:00 PM Categories: BBC Learning English grammar, грамматика а вы знали? Открытие Америки


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